Environmental Policy

As a leader in the Manufacturing and Repair of Heavy Duty Trailers we are committed to creating a healthy and safe working environment, preventing pollution, conducting business in an environmentally sound manner, striving to minimise potentially adverse impacts, enhancing impacts with positive potential, producing and supplying products which conform to customer specifications and expectations.

In pursuance of the above, Straight Forward CC undertake to:

    • Raise the level of awareness amongst all employees and contractors with regard to the need to conserve and protect the environment by publishing objectives and targets and providing appropriate training.
    • Comply with all applicable Environmental legislation and corporate requirements.
    • Implement and maintain an Environment program that complies with appropriate international standards, and regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the system by conducting audits and reviews.
    • Continually strive to minimize and prevent pollution.
    • Minimize the visual aspects of our operations.
    • Optimise the utilisation of raw materials and energy sources.
    • Eliminate, reduce and recycle waste, where possible, and minimise the risks and impacts on our employees and the community in which we operate.
    • Support research into adverse effects that our products and processes may have on the health and safety of people and the environment.
Continually strive to improve upon our performance

child labour policy

The purpose of this policy is to prohibit the employment of any children and to ensure that the working conditions of young workers are compliant with national legislative requirements.

This policy will be applicable to all our employees, management, visitors, contractors, suppliers and labour service providers.

Straight Forward Chassis will not employ any children (aged less than 15yrs) and will manage young workers (aged 15-17 yrs) within the prescribed legislative requirements.

Straight Forward Chassis commits to:

  • having a robust system that effetely monitors the age of workers during recruitment
  • not employ any children aged younger than 15
  • if any children are found to need work that correct procedures will be followed through welfare channels to ensure a solution is found
  • only employ young workers whose terms of employment are compliant with legislative requirements
  • pay young workers as a minimum according to the national legislative guidance
  • promoting education with all adults to ensure children complete a school career

To achieve this,
Straight Forward Chassis will ensure that:

  • There is a recruitment procedure in place
  • management systems are regularly controlled to ensure no children are employed
  • good records of young workers will be kept
  • a procedure for the recruitment of young workers is in place clearly stipulating their terms of employment
  • permission will always be sought from a young worker's parent or legal guardian  
Straight Forward Chassis always commits to apply this policy. It’s especially relevant during recruitment of new workers.